precision agriculture

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How precision agriculture helps increase productivity

Latin America and the Caribbean constitute the world’s most important exporting region for bananas, playing a vital role in the global fruit supply. In Mexico, the highest production is found in the south-southeast region of the country, which has the right climate, a great amount of water and the right land properties for banana production. The region is difficult to access – especially compared to other regions that grow bananas – as the area is remote and rugged. “If it’s difficult to access crops, there is a bigger chance of missing an issue in the initial stages where preventive actions can still be made. Using drones for scouting and software for crop analysis makes the monitoring workflow more efficient and easier,” says Álvaro Ruiz, COO, CoatzaDrone. Additionally, in banana production, the main concern is if the plant gets stressed due to a lack of water. The fruit quality decreases with greater stress, resulting in a decrease in sugar content (measured by degrees Brix).

What is the Brix fruit level?

Degrees Brix, usually shortened to “Brix”, is a scale of measurement for soluble solids in a liquid. In the juices of fruits and vegetables, soluble solids are mostly sugars, and the Brix measurement approximates the sugar content of a sample. A higher Brix level means higher sugar and a better flavor. Bananas will be at their best, in terms of sweetness, when they reach 16 degrees Brix.
  Another problem with banana cultivation is the type of soil. Bananas are typically grown in wetland gleysol, characterized by clayey texture and excess humidity. Along with high temperatures, these conditions promote pathogen generation (both fungi and bacteria). Diseases like Black Sigatoka, together with this specific soil type can cause a decrease in the leaf area and a resulting reduction of active photosynthetic area. This affects the number of flowers, number, and weight of hands (banana clusters), resulting in the product reduction overall. For the fruit to be suitable for export, crop-specific criteria need to be met. The usual solution is to increase the inputs like water and nutrients – all of which come at a cost. CoatzaDrone and Advan México turned to drone mapping and implemented precision agriculture techniques to improve banana production, with a lower price tag.  

Improving crop production by 30%

CoatzaDrone and Advan México were able to identify the points of greatest water stress and take targeted action by using precision agriculture techniques. Installing irrigation or digging drains, as the site requires has the potential to improve not only this crop but the seasons to come. “By knowing where to turn on the irrigation in a targeted way, considerably saved the use of water, energy, and costs. Having good practices for the identification of probable areas of water stress and applying the necessary corrective measures in these areas, it is expected we will be able to improve production by 30% annually,” concludes Esteban Chavez Cocom.